Now, people are getting richer and richer. Let's think, what will the life be like in the future?
In the future, we won't have to change many clothes every day. We will wear a kind of special clothes. We can be warm when we feel cold and be cool when we feel hot. They will have many beautiful colours. We can change the colour we like anytime.
In the future, there are more and more kinds of food we can choose. They will be much more delicious than now. They will not be expensive. We can buy them with little money. Isn't it wonderful?
In the future, all of us will live in beautiful houses. It can move anywhere. When we want to change the place we live, it will take us quickly without any trouble.
In the future, we won't have to go to work by bus or bike. Everyone will have a small but useful plane, we can go anywhere we like by plane. How great will be !
In the future, maybe each family will have a robot. Our mother won't be busy at housework, they won't be tired. When we feel bad, we won't have to go to hospital to see a doctor. The teachers won't need to go to school to work because they can teach students through World Wide Web.
Life in the future will be much more wonderful than now, I think it will come true.
Life in the Future
In the coming 100 years,how would our life turn out to be?
To my viewpoint,there must be great changes at that time.
First of all,it is extremely possible that robots can bring us a lot of convenience and gaiety.
Robots will help us in many fields,for example,they can reduce our work loading of housework and communicate with as just like our close friends to make us happy.
Secondly,human beings can live in the sea when hot summer comes.
Thirdly, our cars can fly just like aeroplanes.
At last,people may be not so busy and they can spend a holiday on moon.
big day i am very happy that i find the webside of the English study room this noon . I am a self-taught student and i dream i can make a lot of friends that love english study .I have no chance to be a school student but i believe hard work can equal to the smart. There were only two creature that can get the top of the high point the eagle and the snail .The eagle may get the target very easily but the snail is much more difficult but if there a friend who can do him a favor maybe he can get the point more easy .The name of my essay is the big day ,for i am on the way to make friend on this day .A friend in need is a friend indeed .
advantages.Benefits allow our vocabulary, knowledge is more broad.The downside is that low scores make students lose confidence, or allow students to feel annoyed and do not want to learn.The test will be discouraged, the test will be proud.It is also a question worth considering. 考试,是大多数学生烦恼的事情。其实,它有好处,也有坏处。好处是能让我们的词汇量、知识更加广阔。坏处是分数低了会让学生丧失信心,或者是会让学生感到烦躁而不想学。考得低会灰心,考得高会骄傲。这也是一个值得思考的问题。
I always dream of becoming a teacher, because teaching is the most glorious project in the world. Nothing is more important than education to a nation. I'm honored to devote myself to education.
As far as I know, a teacher can be described as a candle. He's very kind-hearted and generous; He's wise and intelligent; He's diligent and hardworking. He has the willingness to help others, so people always speak highly of teachers.
If I could be a teacher, I would be very honorable. After all, my major is English Education. I must take up this career. Now my dream comes true, so I will work harder and harder. I believe I can make it.
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