Some people agree to it, they think mobile phone is very useful,they can use it to call their friends and parents .Sometimes they listen music from their mobile phone and sometimes they play games .
The Eco Certification Program is Ecotourism Australia's flagship program.Ecotourism and nature tourism accreditation provide industry,protected area managers,local communities and travellers with an assurance that an accredited product is backed by a commitment to best practice ecological sustainability,natural area management and the provision of quality ecotourism experiences.Developed in Australia,the Eco Certification Program is now being exported to the rest of the world as the International Ecotourism Standard.Successful completion of Eco Certification Program includes Membership of Ecotourism Australia.
A comprehensive plan for the promotion of ecological progress was outlined in the political report to the Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC. The report clearly states that we must incorporate the idea of ecological civilization into every aspect of economic, political, cultural, and social progress; step up efforts to develop a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society; and strive to build a beautiful China, so as to realize lasting and sustainable development for the Chinese nation and make due contributions to global ecological security.
Last weekend I travel in some pieces of the ecological tourism organization.Think of a misfit. Someone picking flowers catch birds, the garbage.That's too bad, the earth is our home, don't pay attention to the protectionof the ecological environment will ruin our survival environment, so we from the minor matter, starts don't litter, not to kill birds, don't destroy forests.We go from every bit of small start, and call on everyone to protect the ecological environment, cherish water resources, protect animals, cherish non-renewable resources, we need to protect natural enjoy nature.
如何保持生态平衡(How to keep the balance of nature?)
Nature supports life. Without a balanced nature, there will exist no balanced life, no balanced life for human being, no balanced life for every other living thing.
What is a balanced nature? You don’t know? Ok, I’ll show you what unbalanced nature is.
Have you ever seen dust storms attacking northern cities like Beijing? Why dust storms attack Beijing repeatedly? Have you ever thought of this question?
Where does the dust come from? As report goes, it comes from the desert areas not far from Beijing – Mongolia. Desert is spreading more and more rapidly.
Why desert is spreading? The answer is simple. People are spoiling grass land.
l People are over-using grass land. For instance, one acre of grass can only support 1 sheep. However people keep 10 sheep on this one acre of grass. Too many sheep are kept on the grass and grass will not grow. Thus, grass land becomes desert.
l People turn grass land into farming land. This spoiled the balance of grass land life.
Less grass land and less forest spoiled the climate. Spoiled climate causes less rainfall. Less rainfall causes larger desert.
What can we do to prevent this? What can we do to improve the situation?
We are happy to see people have realized the serious situation. The government is doing a lot in this aspect.
People are leaving the desert areas. They leave because the land can not afford too many people. People are moving to cities.
Number of sheep is strictly limited on the grass land. If one acre grass land for 10 sheep in the past, now one acre of grass land can only allow for 1 sheep.
What’s more, in the 3 months from April to June, grazing (放牧) is forbidden. In this way, grass gains some time for breathing, for growing.
And these steps taken are effective! Grass land is gaining its life. More and more desert is becoming grass land.
Of course we know it will be a long way to keep the balance of nature. We can expect that day to come, but most important is: we start from today, to make our effort to work for a balanced nature.
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